soongsil university / graduate school the department of Digital Media /

2010 fall
advanced media aesthetics: synesthesia

general issues: 

1. readings & summaries:
every week there will be a reading assignment. and students have to post a ~500 word summary of the readings to your blog (in the beginning of the following class, one or two students are asked to talk about it).

2. presentation.
one students will be appointed in each class for presenting the reading as a form of conference. the appointed students are supposed to lead discussion of the appointed reading by inviting at least 3 student-panels for discussion.

3. papers:
for this course you will write a paper in length (~1500 words). the paper will on the history of new media. aesthetic debates, technological design, development of a performing art into technological application. the topic and its outline should be reviewed by the professor in advance.



1. attendance is manditory. four or more absences will result in no grade.  

2. all assignments must be completed on time.  late submission of outlines and papers will receive a mark-down of 10% per day.  

3. missed reading presentations will not be rescheduled and thus will result in no credit.  



  • reading presentation & participation in the panel discussion: upto 40%
  • paper: upto 40%
  • attendance will be applied to the grade flexibly: over 20%