

soongsil university 

2012 spring
advanced media art:



dr. joonsung yoon  <>

office hours: tuesday 15:00 - 19:00 (information science building, room 529)

time & place: 

tuesday 19:00 - 21:50 (chomansik building 201, from May 1st information science building 601)



This class is to investigate cultral and aesthetic form in the database. We study the relationship between artists and network culture. Also, we relate the information to the medium of art. Digital media based information and current cultural notations are discussed in depth to look for each student's interest of research. Art-based and engineering-based students could have opportunities to communicate one another, and find chances to work together. Reading is essential with complementary articles. In each class, studetns are asked to present assigned chapters, and the professor's comments and discussion are followed.