

soongsil university / the Global School of Media

2017 fall
media aesthetics

general issues: 

1.      Reading is mandatory.

2.      Project: “Problems in New Media”

3.      Presentation: TBA: 15 min presentation in English or Korean, and in free forms.


1.      Attendance is mandatory. 5 or more absences will be in no grade.  

2.      All assignments must be completed on time. Late submission of project and presentation will receive a mark-down of about 15% per day.


  • University grading policy will be applied.
  • Presentation (case study & other issues) 40% (in English or Korea)
  • Project: 30%
  • Attendance: 30% (or more will be applied to the grade flexibly.)
  • Class participation: additive (to receive full credit for class participation you will need to contribute at least one comment, question, or observation to the discussion every class meeting)