

soongsil university 

2015 Spring
New Media Study



dr. joonsung yoon  <>

office hours: tuesday 16:30 - 18:00, wednesday 14:00-16:00 (information science building, room 529)

time & place: 

tuesday 18:00 - 20:50 ( building )



This class is to investigate the multilateral interpretations and approaches in new media studies. We study the relationships of new media in art, technology and society. In the class, we are trying to find out how major and critical terms in media studies are applied in new media. Aesthetic topics, technological issues and social elements are discussed in the study, following up comparisons between traditional media and new media. Furthermore, we will focus on transdisciplinary researches beyond multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. While the class is based on an anthological text book, we will expand the content following each researcher's interest using footnotes and bibliographies.