

soongsil university / the Global School of Media

2014 Spring
On Design : Design for New Media



dr. joonsung yoon  <>

office hours: tuesday 16:00 - 18:00, wednesday 14:00 - 16:00 (information science building, room 529)

time & place: 

tuesday, thursday 13:30 - 14:45 (infomation science building, room 501)



This class is an introduction to design and new media approaches to media design with practical examples. Overall scanning of design elements will be followed, and new media environment will be considered in the class. Beyond the classical theories of Gestalt, this class will be focused on web environment, mobile environment, etc. Also, user-centered design methodologies are discussed for the basic knowledge on design strategy. Students will practice and reconsider their ideas and thoughts on new media design and leading edged technologies reflecting cultural matter and current issues. Every week students have to follow up given readings presented by the professor and appointed students.