

soongsil university / the Global School of Media

2018 Spring
On Design : Interaction Design

general issues: 

there will be a reading assignment.

questions: every class there will be questions on the previous class.

Project 1 in detail: Our New Automatic Door in IT building: Make assumptions and claims

1. “Our New Automatic Door in IT building: Make assumptions and claims
2. Over 5 assumptions and their claims
3. 1 page in pdf.

4. Due Date: April 25th, 3pm : send the file to me (
5. Format: “section-id number-name (

Project 2 in detail: Grounded Theory Practice-Assumptions and Claims from Data

1. Look at the data, “Worldmeters
2. Choose 2 of them in 8 sections differently (Coupling 2 items in different sections)
3. Make your own assumptions and claims (at lest 3 assumptions with each claims)
4. 1 page in pdf.
5. Due Date: June 19th, 3pm : send the file to me (
6. Format: “section-id number-name (



attendance is mandatory. Over 8 absences will result in no grade.   (2 lates=1 absence, 3 lates=2 absences …)


grading: relative grading will be applied

  • Project 1 (30%), Project 2 (40%), late submission in 24 hours (-5 points), late-late submission over 24 hours (-10 points)
  • attendance will be applied to the grade flexibly : over 30%
  • questions and answers : additives