general issues:
readings & summaries: every week there will be a reading assignment. and students have to post a ~500 word summary of the readings to your blog.(*every class week thursday 24:00) one or two students will be appointed in each class for presenting reading summaries to the class. the appointed students are supposed to lead discussion of the appointed reading by inviting at least 3 student-panels for discussion.
papers: for this course you will write a paper in Springer format 6-10 pages in length. the paper will analyze a media artwork that is chosen by each student freely. the point of this paper will be to explore the new media technology in terms of media art, or the media art in terms of new media technologies. outline should be reviewed by the professor in advance. (possible target journal: Leonardo Transactions: A&HCI=SCI)
weblogs & mailing list : you will be required to create a weblog, and subscribe to a class mailing list.
attendance is manditory. four or more absences will result in no grade.
all assignments must be completed on time. late submission of outlines and papers will receive a mark-down of 10% per day.
late submission of reading summaries will receive no credit.
missed reading presentations will not be rescheduled and thus will result in no credit.
- weblog (written reading summaries): 20% (there will be 10 assignments, each worth 3% of your final grade)
- reading presentation & participation in the panel discussion: 40%
- paper: 40%
- attendance will be applied to the grade flexibly.