texts & related sites
- social computing & information visualization
Jeffrey Heer, Danah Boyd. "Vizster: Visualizing Online Social Networks." InfoVis 2005, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (2005)
Jeffrey Heer, Fernanda B. Viegas, Martin Wattenberg "Voyagers and Voyeurs: Supporting Asynchronous Collaborative Information Visualization."
Proceedings of CHI 2007, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2007)
Scott Carter, Jen Mankoff, Jeffrey Heer. "Momento: Support for Situated Ubicomp Experimentation."
Proceedings of CHI 2007, Human Factors in Computing Systems (2007)
Jeffrey Heer, Maneesh Agrawala. "Software Design Patterns for Information Visualization."
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 12(5) (2006)
more of Heer's...
Danah Boyd. "Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?" Knowledge Tree 13, May 2007.
more of Boyd's...
* Jeffrey and Boyd are currently ph.d. candidate students. you can find many published papers via their websites. Heer's advisor professor is Maneesh Agarwala, and Boyd's is Peter Lyman.
Kevin W. Boyack, Katy Borner & Richard Klavans. (2007). " Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Chemistry Research." Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2007), Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 112-123.
more of InfoVisLab...
- experimental game & new media culture
Janet H. Murray. "Toward a Cultural Theory of Gaming: Digital Games and the Co-Evolution of Media, Mind, and Culture." Popular Communication 4(3) 185-202.
Jose P. Zagal, Michael Mateas, Clara Fernandez-Vara, Brian Hochhalter,
Nolan Lichti. " Towards an Ontological Language for Game
Analysis." Proceedings of the Digital Interactive Games Research Association Conference (DiGRA 2005), Vancouver B.C., June, 2005.
more of EGL...
Pearce, C., Ashmore, C. (Forthcoming). "Principles of Emergent Design in Online Games: Mermaids Phase 1 Prototype." SIGGRAPH Sandbox, July 2007.
Pearce, C. (2006). "Games as Art: The Aesthetics of Play." in Fluxus and Legacy, special issue of Visible Language, Ken Friedman and Owen Smith, issue eds.; Sharon Poggenpohl, series editor and publisher.
more of EGG in EGL...
* Georgia Tech also has experimental lab.
- media art & media aesthetics
Leonardo, Art Journal, etc.
Mary E. Hocks, Michelle R. Kendrick, eds. Eloquent Images: word and image in the age of new media. MIT P, 2003.